Monday, December 10, 2012


Iconography is a name given to an object frequently used that has connotations attached to it, in which are easy to decipher. Iconography can add to the creation of an artist as well as it has the ability to ruin the creation of the artist.

A guitar is an instrument that is pivotal to our music video and features often within our song “I won’t give up” Seeing a guitar and being widely performance based is common in music video, especially so in genres and songs like ours. The main connotation of the use of guitar is that the artist is musically gifted and is not reliant on technology like some artists in the industry are tarnished with.

Sunglasses is a prop that enables us to encourage the audience into believing our artist is cool and relevant to the trends in fashion at the moment. Sunglasses are conventional to our genre in the sense that the artist is exotic or travels. Journeys often are found in the music video and therefore is conventional as iconography. The connotations of sunglasses can be understood as a disguise, protection and are often seen as a cool accessory for an artist.

 The Trilby hat is also a prop often found within the alternative genre. By using a trilby hat we could reinforce the idea of our character being well rounded and travelling- the hat connotes travelling as its use is too restrict sunlight to the top of your head when walking. As well as it function the trilby hat adds a lot to the outfit and can make an adolescent artist appeal to a more mature audience. This piece of the costume is conventional to the genre.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining some of the iconography items that you wish to include within your music video. But further points are needed
