Friday, December 7, 2012

Group magazine advert reflection.

First of all we made separate draft magazines, this was to keep our ideas our own so that the product can be representative of the designer. After we completed the drafts we shared them with each other by making an anonymous collection- so the decision of which was the best to use wasn’t personal or friendship orientated.

This first magazine is created be myself. What I like about the advert is that we can clearly see the artist and it is only the artist that we see. This method could have allowed for a relationship to be formed between the artist and the target audience. I also like that the colours are pure and natural, as this can connote many things, peace of mind and the unity with nature, to name a couple. The language is also simplistic which can make information easier to extract from the advert. Because our artist belongs to the alternative genre we have more flexibility than others in what we can experiment with. The most conventional aspects of my advert is the soft and natural lighting and the image of our artist.

Adam Taylor creates this magazine. What I like most about this advert is the British theme. The artist Justin Oakley is portrayed to be patriotic or in line with his heritage, which is important for his British audience to see, potentially bettering a relationship made as Justin and the audience have a common value. I also like that you can see Justin within the advertIt is conventional as it includes the name of the artist, album name; it includes the record label and has an image the artist. All of which the audience need to see to establish a relationship with the artistThis Advert van be improved better if it displayed a better range of Photoshop techniques to show a s range of skills as it looks as if it wasn’t made on Photoshop.

This advert from Ryan displays a better range of Photoshop skills with the top and bottom of the page being in a black and white effect and the middle of the page is in colour, the reason I like this is because the middle segment is where the audience can see the artist through it being in colour emphasis is placed on his importance. This magazine is conventional for the same reason as the others e.g. showing the artist, what makes this advert unconventional is that it looks like winter and has a festive feel to it, which is unusual for the alternative genre. However it works because the genre is more lenient on its rules.On the whole I think that this advert is successful and I wouldn’t change it.

This is the advert provided by Olivia, in which was our groups favourite. This advert in my opinion displays an excellent use and understanding of the software- Adobe Photoshop. the contrast between Justin and the background is an effective concept in which many deeper connotations can be derived from, an example of this could be that Justin through being in colour and the background being black and white it could connote that he is a fresh addition to the ever growing bland (same-same) industry suggesting he has a uniqueness to offer the industry. There is also an image of the album cover in the bottom corner of the advert, which can help sales as the audience will know what the product is that we are try to sell. It has some text within the upper segment of the advert and the middle to lower segment, in which demonstrates concise publication as it is straight to the point providing the audience with information that they need to know.

I think on the whole the reason for the selection of Olivia's advert was because it was the one that achieved all the functions in which an advert is required to achieve. The concise text is a highly positive  aspect of this advert.This advert is the type that would appear within a gossip magazine, with the reader most likely to be flicking through the pages rather than thoroughly reading each page, the text is effective as it can be consumed within a glimpse rather than the viewer having to skim read for the details as the likelihood is they wouldn't. The clear heading of "JUSTIN OAKLEY" is also a big factor as again it is clear to the audience who and what the product is, but also it can be a device to attract the attention of the viewer as the black writing contrasts against the white background with the font being large. What sealed my vote for us to use this product was her choice in images. Olivia clearly shows the  product and the brand, if we could call it that. The use of Justin's image allows for the audience who may not have heard of seen him before connect a relationship to the two, it also shows what type of person he is which will indicate to the viewer wether they may like his music and also the use of the album cover connects Justin to his product giving the viewer something to look for if they are ever looking to purchase new songs/albums.


  1. This post demonstrates good planning skills and discussions and this is because you have evaluated each design and have considered some of the conventions.

    Your evaluation also shows an understanding of why you and your group decided on submitting Olivia's design.

  2. This post now demonstrates a further understanding of why you decided on submitting Olivia's design over the rest of the group.

    7 marks
    Level 3- The group magazine advert demonstrates a proficient understanding of photoshop skills and creativity, which is evident through the images, colours and connotations of alternative music
