Friday, January 4, 2013

Planning of the costume.

Costumes help create the image for the artist in which the audience will re create and copy. It is also a place in which the artist can attempt to relate to their fans. I will break this planning of Justin Oakley’s costume down into body parts and the clothing we could use.

For his head we could use a trilby hat, a wooly hat or sunglasses, or even a combination of the three. The trilby hat is often related to sunshine and hot places. By Justin using this the audience could perceive Justin to be in a hot country and spend time in hot countries. The wooly hat would have the same effects but it would be for colder climates instead; also it could connote coziness as hats keep people warm. Sunglasses would best compliment the trilby in connotations of warmth and travel could be combined with the hat. They could even be used as a singular piece of the costume as they are a strong enough piece of iconography.

For his torso we would want him to wear a jumper or a t-shirt, as this is similar to what his audience will be wearing, also a shirt is more casual which could connote that he is laid back to the audience and potentially they could relate to him. The jumper would be used to add diversity to his costumes, thus removing his outfits to become repetitive, it can also allow for us to maintain the image of Justin staying relevant to trends in clothing.

His lower body clothing will consist of Jeans or Chinos. The reason for this is that they are popular today amongst a wide range of people; teens, adolescence and young adults this therefore could broaden our target audience in which will consume our product. Jeans are also hard wearing and connotes hard work, which can suggest to the audience that Justin is hardworking and determined to provide a good product and therefore worthy of their support.

With the issue of his footwear we decided we didn’t want him to look casual to the extent of wearing sports wear. Instead, we decided to use canvas shoes made by vans as they can look smart but still maintain the theme of being laidback and casual.

Also the colours we used we often hopeful colours, we used a lot of reds to connote love ad passion to music and the partner his song was intended for, we used whites and beiges to connote his clear set mission of resolving the issue in his relationship. We tended to avoid the other use of darker colours as they usually have negative connotations and we didn’t want the connotations of Justin to ever be dark and hopeless as it was not the direction we wanted to take Justin within this music video. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the different costumes that you wish to include within your production. However, further detail is needed on how it is conventional to your genre
