Friday, January 4, 2013

Lyric analysis

The first verse of the song introduces the admiration the artist has for his partner, at first it seems as If it is rawly about her beauty ‘When I look into your eyes, It's like watching the night sky, Or a beautiful sunrise, There's so much they hold’ It’s not until the lines ‘I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are’ that we can understand that his admiration to his partner is derived from the journey she has overcome with all the challenges that followed, maybe she had an issue such as a drug addiction or a lack of confidence, but has overcome this through perseverance in which the artist can relate to.

The chorus of the song introduces an issue in the relationship ‘I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough’ which shows his determination to love her. The issue is left to the audience’s imagination to create through the use of the metaphor ‘even if the skies get rough’ I perceived the issue to be either an argument that maybe got heated, or that his partner was found to be seeing someone else. The latter option would reinforce the magnitude of his love for her, as he would be willing to forgive and forget to maintain their relationship.

The second verse, but the third stanza, introduces a tolerance of the artist as it states that he will wait as long as it takes for her to reengage in their relationship of which he is so fond.

The third verse shows the artist’s understanding of the situation ‘even the stars they burn’ this is like saying even the brightest of things have an end. In the third line of this stanza it says ‘we’ve got a lot to learn’ which resorts back to his passion and determination to hold together the relationship, but it also states how there is still a chance to make amends and that their relationship isn’t too far gone.

The fourth verse is the climax of the song; again it is left open for the audience to fill in the blanks. I perceived the verse to be his acceptance of the break up by saying, ‘And in the end, you're still my friend’ which leads me to see that he is of the mind set that despite the fact the love may not be there anymore they can still maintain some kind of relationship even if it isn’t romantic. This stanza is also my favorite stanza as it talks about the journey and the lessons he has learnt from the woman he loves, ‘I had to learn what I’ve got and what I’m not and who I am.’ With this verse he also portrays the arguments and the break ups in a positive manor which adds to the idea he is ever hopeful, ‘our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts we got’ and finally what makes this the most expressive verse for me is the two lines ‘ I don’t wanna be someone who walks away so easily I’m here to stay and make the differences that I can make.’ For me this is nice because he outlines his intentions it is as if he is talking to her and it is therefore inclusive for the audience.

After this stanza the chorus is repeated three times in which suggests that his pursuit of recovery is not over and that he will attempt to continue to try to improve their relationship.

Lyrics of a music video in general can also be used as tools to improve or create relationships with the target audience. For instance in the song 'Rehab' from the artist Amy Winehouse she talks about her troubles referring to drug abuse and alcoholism 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing the lyrics of your chosen song and you have considered the narrative of the song well.

    You now need to explain how your analysis will assist you with planning your video. Also what micro elements will you include and why?
