Sunday, November 4, 2012

Subculture theories, CCCS, Hebdige and McCraken.

The three main Sub-culture theories are CCCS, Hebdige and McCracken.

CCCS suggests that all subcultures are a reaction towards the mainstream, and are created through the suggestion of ideas to the audience-Hegemony, this theory also states that all subcultures start from one culture similar to Theodor Adorno’s theory that music genres have become standardised. 
McCraken disagrees with CCCS stating that there is a vast array of values and ideals and therefore we cannot say that all subcultures come from one culture. McCraken also says that subcultures should be called little cultures and each one is different to the next.

Hebdige concludes that all subcultures only appear to be different, but are fundamentally the same suggesting that genres can easily target a wide range of audience, as tastes in music can be similar.


  1. Hi Miss,
    I was unsure of what to include in this post as i was away, would I need to analyse different videos of our artist's genre as well, this is the bit i am unsure about the research into the music genre.what i am hgoing to do is leave it until i can talk to you about it, then do it that night after your feedback.

  2. Within this post you need to consider the 3 subculture theories and then you need to explain which theory your music video will follow and why?

    Refer back to the lesson to help you with completing this task.
