Thursday, November 29, 2012

Magazine reflection

The first draft of my magazine advert currently seems to not be conventional to our genre. The colours of the advert are black and white, which whilst it connotes a contrast in positioning suggesting a journey or a break up, they are not colours associated with the alternative music genre rather Jazz or Blues. What makes this draft conventional is that it has an image of the album front cover, so a link can be made between the advert and the artist because an image of the artist is not used. The language is simplistic and limited as I feel that people will be more inclined to look at the advert and absorb the information. The layout is simple so that we do not draw attention from the focus points of the advert, e.g. the track list or the image of the album. We also used the colour red for ‘out now’, to draw emphasis that it can be purchased, red also connotes that the artist is in love or has a passion for music.

This advert may make it hard for the target audience to build a relationship with the artist, as they cannot see who the artist is all they can see is the name of the artist. This could be beneficial as it could create a ‘buzz’ for the artist. Although more likely than not it will be detrimental to the relationship of our artist and the audience

To reiterate, we chose the black and white coloured striped pattern in the background because we thought it could be eye catching to attract the audiences attention, but simplistic enough to not draw attention from the key points of the advert. The Image of the album artwork was consolation for not having a picture of the artist; this is so that some connection between the advert and the product can be made. 

This draft has encouraged me to approach my second attempt of a magazine advert in a different manor. I will want to include an image of the artist so that a relationship will be easier to form between the target audiences, I will focus on drawing attention to the artist. I will include the image of the album artwork, as I believe this technique will be successful in attracting sales and potential sales. Unlike this draft I would want to use more naturalistic colours and lighting, to connote peace of mind representing his music will be personal, making a closer link between the artist and the audience. I think my first draft was lacking the opportunity to gain additional information about the artist, so I will want to include a website link. I will keep the list of songs similar.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining some of the choices and decisions that you made to your work, which also shows some understanding of the codes and conventions of your chosen music genre.

    To make this post more detailed, you need to be more specific with the points that you are making and direct them back to your advert. This can be achieved by commenting on the following:

    1) colours and connotations
    2) representation of artist
    3) relationship between artist and audience
    4) design and layout
    5) Fonts and styles
