Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Target audience research


Explain why questionnaires are important when considering a target audience.

To cater to a target audience efficiently you must first understand the needs and wants of the audience to give a brief outline of the type of product they are wanting. This understanding can also identify where a niche in the industry may lie. The more a production team understand the audience the more successful the product should be.
Questionnaires are also quick to complete and therefore have more chance from a member of the audience completing one, allowing a large range of sources to be included in your investigation to give your findings more credible as it is more representative of the wider audience, the more people that complete it.
The Data accumulated from questionnaires are often quantitive data, which means they are easy to analyse and compare to other results, which makes concluding what the audience want easier.

Explain why you surveyed 40 people in total and how you shared this in your group.

We used 40 people for our questionnaire, as it will allow multiple views and ideas from the audience to be voiced, which will allow us the ability to understand them more. We also used 40 because we are in a group of four people and 40 questionnaires being given out through 4 people, becomes very manageable. This is how we shared the burden of the questionnaire, four people with 10 questionnaires to give out each.

Pie charts/bar charts. (Questionnaire results)

Explain why decided to create pie charts/ bar charts.

We wanted to use Pie charts because not only does it allow a combination of all results to be centralised in one simple place, but it also is very nice to use, it becomes apparent which option of each of our questions was the most popular amongst our audience allowing us to fixate on providing what is wanted and it also speeds up the time period taken to analyse the results as we are able to group all the results rather than look at them individually which becomes time consuming.

Vox pops interviews

Explain why your group decided to undertake this as a part of your research.

We decided to use Vox pops for our research, as we believe that questionnaires can be too restrictive for the audience to give a reflective answer for how they feel about the topic, we also believe that a vox pop allows the answers given to be a fair reflection of views of the audience which will be rich in detail. We have found in the past that questionnaires and other ways of collecting data are very time consuming and do not always have a range of questions big enough to give the same level of understanding as a vox pop does.

Include a short summary to explain how it went and briefly how it will assist you with planning your music video.

The vox pop from filming to editing was a smooth and swift process. the filming of our samples took all  of half a day and the editing the raw footage together took just one hour after we decided the relevant answers to reflect the average view. Because the Vox pop was straight from the audiences point of view we are now able to correctly provide them with a product that they would enjoy consuming. For instance the common genre our sample enjoyed was alternative and therefore we chose to focus on that as a potential genre for our product.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation shows some understanding of why primary research is essential to carry out, and you have also explained why you carried out each task. But you also need to explain the results that you received too and then discuss how you will use your results to inform your planning.
