Monday, March 11, 2013

Analysis of a magazine advert.

This is a magazine advert for the female artist of the alternative genre; Kate Nash. The imagery of the poster has a “do it yourself” vibe to it, which very much suits the alternative genre. The background of the shot has a gradation of blue that connotes early morning or late afternoon; sunset/sunrise, which could also be a connotation for being youthful and staying out late again a connotation frequently used in the alternative genre, or it could be seen a tranquil which would challenge audience expectations of this genre.

The audience is also presented with a dolls house in the background, along with some garden sculptures in the shape of horses. Which could connote a fantasy/ dream like effect, possibly representing to the audience that Kate Nash the artist has a dream to be a successful artist and through the house being a dolls house the audience could understand that the dream has been since she was a young girl-when she would have played with doll’s houses.

In the foreground we can see the artist in a red dress. This can be seen to be following Dyer’s theory as it is sowing the artist as a product, in order for the product to be consumed. Also, the fantasy feel to the poster adds to Dyer’s theory as Dyer also suggests that no artist is real, but creating upon what the audience will buy into.

The red dress, whilst being a prime color in order to attract the audience’s attention as it stands out also has many connotations. One connotation of the color red could be that Kate has passion for her music and fans, which would have been used to create a relationship between the two, in order to give the product the best chance for success in the industry.

The text of this advert is simple and short, allowing for the message to be conveyed within the magazine very easy, as magazine advert don’t tend to be examined and therefore would need to be able to be consumed almost instantly. The text includes the artist’s name, the album title t is promoting and the date of release, as well as a few extra comments.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing the magazine advert above, which demonstrates some understanding of the codes and conventions. You have included the correct points, but further points are needed on the conventions of alternative music.

    Now you need to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own.
